Sanda Ristić StojanovićSanda Ristić-Stojanović is a poetess and aesthetic born in Belgrade in 1974. She graduated in philosophy at the Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy. She is the author of 10 poetry books published by Svetovi, KOV, Address, Presing and Gramatik and one of four authors in the joint collection of poems "From the Shadow of the Verse" - Gramatik, 2012.
About her high-school poems spoke Oskar Davico for the Third Program of Radio Belgrade, which editor was Radmila Gligić, and it was broadcast on Radio Zagreb too, thanks to the poet Danijel Dragojević.
Her first book was published by Svetovi (Novi Sad, 2000) in the edition of Contemporary Literature, editor Jovan Zivlak.
Romanian poet Petru Krdu is the editor of her four books which were published in the Literary Municipality of Vršac - KOV, (2007 - 2011).
In 2019, the publishing house Presing (editor-in-chief, Predrag Milojević) published her book " The Observatory of the Twenty-First Century" in the edition "Under Pres".
She translates poetry from English (Ted Hughes, Philip Larkin, Lorens Ferlinghetti ...).
Her poems are translated into French and Macedonian.
She was an editor in the publishing house "Beletra" and editor-in-chief of the literary magazine "Kovina" ( KOV, Vršac ).
She published a series of philosophical essays in the collections of the Aesthetic Society of Serbia (philosophical essays in the following collections of the Aesthetic Society of Serbia: The Impact of Aesthetics on Art, Aesthetics and Education, The Problem of Creativity, The Problem of Taste, The Crisis of Art and New Art Practice, Problem of Form, Homo Aestheticus, Aesthetic culture, Aesthetic and real ...). In the book "Aesthetics in the Age of Anti-Art", the philosopher Sreten Petrović analyzed one of her texts on pages 411- 413.
Her poems and short stories were published in numerous collections of contemporary literature and in several anthologies of the poetry of the twenty-first century.
She made a selection of poetry - Avant-garde will always exist, Grammatik 2018 (poets of particular poetics, the beginning of the 21st century).
She is a member of the Serbian Literary Society, the Association of Serbian Writers and the Aesthetic Society of Serbia.