HORSES REVOLT OF OUR BLOOD | Sanda Ristić Stojanović | |
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detail from: KRK Art dizajn
Translation Sonja Asanović Todorović
Aphrodite stands in the middle of
The concentration camp of reality,
And her beauty crawls like smoke
over the scorched bodies of words and people,
Mourning for
Spectacular statements of Beauty
And the resignations of the past
And invisible parades of the present
In a concentration camp of words
Which is trying to replace the song
With her beauty stumbled
In the world's current events.
In the circle of all the passions of the Sun,
The moon and night share roles,
to the horses of our passions and
to the horses of our illusion.
The moon pierces its testimony about
the thud of similarity of horses of our passions
with the rebellion horses of our blood.