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detail from: KRK Art dizajn
VALENTINA TERESKOVA (1937- ), Russian cosmonautValentina Tereshkova is the first woman to fly into space. Inspired by Yuri Gagarin, she knew without a doubt that women would also fly into space, she applied for the space program in 1961, although she was not a pilot until then, but she was an experienced parachutist. She flew into space on the Vostok 6 ship and on June 16, 1963, flew around the Earth 48 times in 70 hours and 50 minutes, thereby once again contributing to the triumph of Russian space technology. EDWARD ROBERTS (1941-), American engineerEdward Roberts built the first personal computer (PC) in 1974. He first built a handheld electronic computer and founded the company MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems). After that, students Paul Allen and Bill Gates developed a version of the basic programming language. STEPHEN HAWKING (1942-), English physicistStephen Hawking graduated in mathematics from the University of Oxford and received his doctorate from the University of Cambridge. In 1960, he suffered from atrophy of the motor nervous system and muscles, which is why he cannot even speak, and his only contact with the rest of the world is made with the help of a computer. In 1971, Hawking proposed the existence of a black hole in space and the Big Bang theory. He is the Isaac Newton Professor of Physics and Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. Hawking's books have become the most sought after books of all time. STEPHEN WOZNIAK (1950-), American engineerStephen Wozniak created the first Apple computer, made for the needs of information systems. He worked at Hewlett Packard in partnership with Stephen Jobs to build personal computers. Together they founded Apple Computer Company in a garage in 1977, and in 1984 they revolutionized the PC industry with the Macintosh.introduction of graphical operating systems and mass operations. They also introduced sound to computers. Both became multimillionaires. TIM BERNERS - LEE (1955-), English Internet pioneerTim Berners-Lee from the University of Oxford, and since 1984 he has been working at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva. In 1989, he proposed a global project known as the World Wide Web (WWW), designed to serve all of humanity in the exchange of information. BILL GATES (1955-), American computer expertBill Gates was the richest man in the world at the end of the 20th century. His first significant work was the creation of a software system for computers. He was born in Seattle, Washington, USA. He created his first computer program as a high school student, adapting the Basic programming language in personal computers, even before completing his studies at Harvard University. He realized that personal computers would be used both in industry and at home. At the age of 19, he left the university and founded the Microsoft Computer Company, together with Paul Allen. In 1980, he sold the MS-DOS system to IBM, after which Windows 95 was created and since then they have become the world's largest computer manufacturer, holding about 90% of the world's production. ZORKA AVRAMOVIĆ-ČORDAŠEVIĆ (1951-)Zorka Čordašević is a Serbian prominent writer, who works and creates in Serbia and Germany. She especially proved herself with the beauty and quality of her creativity in the domain of patriotic songs, and she was recognized for her poetry for both adults and children. Among the rare world writers, Zorka is a prominent creator of Haiku literature, recognized in Serbia and Japan. She is represented in many anthologies and anthologies, in her homeland and in the diaspora, where she lives and works, in Frankfurt M, Germany. He is a member of almost all literary associations and clubs in Yugoslavia and Germany. In addition to Serbia, it is very represented in the literature of Slovenia. Zorka's works from Serbian and German have been translated into English, Russian, Japanese, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Macedonian, and translations into other languages are also in preparation. Considering the quality and beauty of Zorka's literary work, it is proof that she earned her bread abroad by herself.Zorka Avramović-Čordašević was born in Madran, near Bijeljina, Republika Srpska, and lives in Frankfurt, Germany. Her parents raised her in the style of fairness and honesty, according to unwritten Serbian rules. She graduated from the Tourism School in Belgrade. He publishes his works in all the Republics of the former Yugoslavia, as well as in Germany and Japan. And there is almost no publisher in Yugoslavia where Zorka has not published at least one song. You can find beautiful patriotic poems by Zorka Čordašević in the Kordun Literary Workshop. So far, Zorka has been awarded 73 times for all her songs. Is there anyone else in the world who can even come close to her. An edition of the encyclopedia of national diasporas, about the most important figures from the diaspora, is currently being prepared, in which one of the most prominent names is the name of Zorka Čordašević. For us Serbs, Zorka represents us in the world in an extraordinary and dignified way, and we Serbs have reason to respect her and to be proud of her creativity. We are proud to have her. LITERATURE1. Milutin Milankovic: Kroz vasionu i vekove / Kroz carstvo nauka, Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd 1997 2. Milutin Milankovic: Nebeska mehanika / Istorija astronomske nauke, Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd 1997 3. Milutin Milankovic: Kanon osuncavanja zemlje i njegova primena na problem ledenih doba (Deo 1 & Deo 2), Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd 1997. 4. http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel5. http://www.userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/bib/nobel6. David Edwin Duncan, The Calendar, Fourth Estate, London 1988 7. S. Adams, C.Ashe, P. Chrisp, E.Johnson, A. Longley, M. Weeks: 1000 Makers of the Millenium, DK Publishing Books 1999 8. John Balchin: Quantum Leaps, 100 Scientists who changed the world, Arcturus Publishing Limited 2003 9. S. Jelaca: Nikola Tesla, http://www.vojvodina.com10. S. Jelaca: Velikanu u spomen, http://www.Poruke@Beograd.com 11. S. Jelaca: Mihajlo Pupin, http://www.srpskadijaspora.info12. Slavko Boksan: Mihajlo Pupin i njegovo delo, Naucna izdanja Matice srpske 1951 13. Mihajlo Pupin: From Immigrant to Inventor, 1923 14. Marc J. Seifer; Wizard, The Life and Time of Nikola Tesla, Biography of Genius, Carol Publishing Group, 1999 15. Margaret Cheney & Robert Uth: Nikola Tesla Master of Lightning, MetroBooks 2001 16. Ljubo Vujovic: The Tes;la Memorial Society, http://www.teslasociety.com 17. Carl Seeling: Albert Einstein - Ideas and Opinions, 1954 18. Ellen Goodman: Out of the shadows of great men, The Boston Globe, 1990 19. Svenka Savic: The Road to Mileva Maric-Einstein, Private Letters, 2001. 20. S. Jelaca: Mileva Maric – Povratak iz anonimnosti, http://www.vojvodina.com 21. Gino Serge: A Matter of Degrees, Viking Penguin, 2002. 22. Kitty Ferguson: Measuring the Universe, Walker & Company, 1999 23. Marcelo Gleiser: The Prophet and the Astronomer, W.W. Norton & Company 2001 24. Stephen Hawking: On the Shoulders of Giants, Running Press, 200225 Annals of Improbable Research, Harvard University.26 Literary workshop Kordun. THE END