 | Simo Jelača | |
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detail from: KRK Art dizajn
This paper presents an excerpt from the publicationGreat men that have marked the civilization, and includes sixteen Serbian giants, in the field of science and inventions, mathematics, botany, genetics, literature and poetry, and they are: St. Sava, Rudjer Boskovic, Dositej Obradovic, Vuk Karadzic, Njegos, Josiph Pancic, Nikola Tesla, Mihajlo Pupin, Mihailo Petrovic-Alas, Mileva Maric-Einstein, Milutin Milankovic, Ivo Andric, Jovan Karamata, Pavle Savic, Bogdan Maglic and Dragan Skoric. St. Sava, although not as a scientist, is presented as an unavoidable personality of Serbian origin and survival, as our saint and educator. Nikola Tesla and Milutin Milankovic are omitted in this text, since I have published separate texts about them already.In order, states went up by years of their birth. There are cases in the literature surveys, the data is different for the same person in different sources. Especially as it relates to the time data. .And as the title says, these are only the greats who have their works and in their own way celebrated the development and progress of our people, and the human race, during the last millennium recorded history.
RASTKO NEMANjIC - St. SAVA (1169-1236)
(The founder of the Serbian state and church)
Rastko Nemanjic was born in Miscici, near Novi Pazar, the youngest son and the Prince of Stefan Nemanja, the great mayor, and mother Anna (Anastasia). In his early teens he went to Mount Athos in 1192, where he became a monk at the monastery of Saint Panteleimon, and got the name Sava. His life and work are built into the spiritual development of the entire Serbian beings, which is indebted to the entire Serbian people. By his multiples he did much good work for the stability and strengthening the Serbian state. Settled the brothers and acted as a real co-emperor, to the brother King Stephen and nephews. He realized that a united and stable country is a great good for the Serbian people. Monasteries in his time, became a means of religious life and spiritual creativity. More to life he has become a legend about whom traditions passed down for centuries. He worked as a saint and educator. Works of Saint Sava represent Serbian tradition, known as “Svetosavlje”. The Spirit of Svetosavlje has held Serbian people in the hardest moments of their historical past. For life he twice visited the Holy Land, 1229-1230 and 1234-1235, as part of his church ministry. He died on his return from his second pilgrimage to Jerusalem, at Epiphany in 1236, in Trnovo in Bulgaria. For life he had very skillfully maintained good diplomatic relations with the Vatican, to the state interests of Serbia. He secured an autocephalous Serbian orthodox church 1219 and included it in the framework of Eastern Orthodox Christianity-Pravoslavlje That same year at the monastery Zica he was appointed the first Serbian archbishop. St. Sava's relics were transferred from Trnovo to the monastery Milesevo 1237, and by 1594 the Turks took it to Vracar and burned it. This barbaric act unprecedented in human history, even more strengthened the spiritual power of the Serbian people. Svetosavlje managed to survive all the current violence against the Serbs. Pulse Svetosavlje have led Arsenije Carnojevic, Prota Matija Lazic, Njegos, Milan Rakic, Jovan Ducic, Vasko Popa, Matija Beckovic and countless other Serbian authors.
St. Sava’s day, 27 January, was made official by Milos Obrenovic in 1827, and in 1841 Mihajlol Obrenovic made it official by law as the obligation of all Serbian schools to celebrate this day. Serving on the Holy Liturgy in Trnava, on the Epiphany, Saint Sava has sent a message: Hear me Brothers, the last and first,
By language and religion we are one blood.We are brothers, sister is our unity,Because we are children of Christ one and the same God.The word fraternity is easy to impose,But once I'm Lost it is difficult to acquire.Keep it as your eye bothThis allows a testament from Christ's tomb.
RUDJER BOSKOVIC (1711-1787) (Scholar and diplomat of Dubrovnik)
Rudjer Boskovic was born in Ragusa (Dubrovnik), and studied mathematics and physics in Rome. One of the first world scientists who accepted the theory of Universal gravitation of Isaac Newton. Much of his life he was in Rome, but it is precisely because Newton went to Britain in 1759, where he had the opportunity to meet with a number of scientists of the world, at that time. British scientist Boskovic was well known for his theory of atomism. In addition, he distinguished himself as a chemist, in the domains: cohesion, chemical affinity, crystallization, as well as in heat. For Boskovic J.J. Thomson said that he gave the best explanation of cohesion, which is accepted worldwide. Rudjer Boskovic has significantly influenced the English scientist: Davy, Faraday, Maxwell, Kelvin and JJ Thomson. Thompson also said that Boskovic's works were so advanced and that they had the greatest impact on the research of Davy and Faraday. Rudjer Boskovic has begun, and Michael Faraday completed theory of chemical elements and electrolytes. In his time Boskovic has published 70 research papers, which covered the field of optics, gravity, trigonometry, astronomy and meteorology. Distinguishing from the fields of atomic theory, for Boskovic Maxwell wrote in 1877 in the journal Nature: "The best thing you can do is get rid of the notion of the nucleus and replace it with an atom of Rudjer Boskovic". Lord Kelvin thought that the ideas of Boskovic are absolute and that his theory is unlimited.Boskovic is considered a pioneer of the science of geodesy and he initiated the first measurement of the earth meridians. He stayed in France and became a member of the French Academy of Sciences, and was a member of the Royal Society in Rome. With all that he’s done in science, he highly advocated for his country, and during his stay in Rome was also an official diplomatic representative of Dubrovnik.Note: Croats consider Rudjer Boskovic as their, having him as such is much needed, although the available data shows that he was of Serbian origin.
DOSITEJ OBRADOVIC (1739-1811) (Creator of the Serbian identity)
Dositej Obradovic was born in Cakovo, Banat, early lost his parents and fled to the monastery Hopovo in Fruska Gora, where he became a monk.. He was interested in ecclesiastical literature and for Serbian history, and especially for Tsar Dusan’s Code. He went to the world relatively early, in 1761 and stayed in it 40 years. In Halle, Germany, they accepted the motto "enlighten towards freedom”. He worked as a teacher, doctor, proof-reader, lecturer and became a polyglot, has known: Greek, Latin, German, English, French, Russian, Albanian, Romanian and Italian.Dositej Obradovic in Serbia is remembered as the founder of the first schools in Serbia and Serbian as the first modern writer. He is the founder of the Lyceum of Belgrade and the first minister of education in Serbia. He also helped found the Great School in Belgrade in 1808 and opened the Belgrade Theological Seminary. He personally took care of Karadjordje's heir, the son of Alex. Before his death he worked at the opening of the first printing press in Belgrade. Dositej Obradovic paved the way for Vuk Stefanovic - Karadzic and the first in Serbia began to write the national language, simple folk dialect. Hence Dositej and Vuk are considered the founders of modern Serbian culture.He traveled a lot, stayed in Corfu, on Mount Athos, in the Peloponnese, in Izmir and Istanbul, in Venice, Zadar, Vienna, Karlovac, Bratislava, Trieste, Leipzig and Halle, Paris, London and many other places. The most important Dositej’s written works are: Life and Adventures; Letter to Haralampi; Soviets common sense, and others. For Dositej John Skerlic said that for his life seen and knew that he was more than any other Serb.
(Reformer of Serbian language)
Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic was born-in Trsic, educated in Karlovac and Belgrade, and most of his life he worked in Vienna. For language Vuk said that "it is a foster for the people, we speak and write by it”, and Djura Danicic for Vuk said that he lived for future centuries. In Serbia, Vuk experienced Turkish rule, Obrenovic and Karadjordjevic (Sultans and Kings). When he got sick he healed himself in Novi Sad and Budapest. He was a teacher in Belgrade, the customs officer in Kladovo, and 1813, again falling to the Turks in Serbia Vuk went to Vienna, where studied Slavic languages, Latin and German and where he stayed almost all his life, for which he said told that there he was more needed to Serbia than being in Serbia.Vuk Karadzic has left behind numerous works, which represent the most complete overview of life of the Serb people, its beliefs, customs, history and creativity. These are: Serbian dictionary, Serbian grammar, the first Serbian Reader, Translation of the New Testament, Montenegro and Montenegrins, Little case of history, Language and customs of Serbs, Life and customs of the Serbian people, history, Life of Hajduk Veljko Petrovic, Serbian first year of their campaigns over tyrants, Milos Obrenovic, Serbian second year of their campaigns over tyrant, Praviteljstvujusci Soviet, Serbian folk songs, Serbian folk tales, Serbian folk proverbs, and others. Vuk Karadzic was extremely talented creative features, persistent and consistent. With the assistance of Jerney Kopitar and Jacob Grimm entered the scientific meaning of what he was doing. By his work has enriched the Yugoslav cultural history. Esteem by the world's greatest minds. He was a member of the Petrograd society from Slavic literature from 1819, Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, awarded him its silver medal for scientific merit in 1820, Krakow Learned Society elected him a member in 1820, was the guest of Grimm and Goethe in 1823 and received an honorary doctorate at the University of Jena 1823, Member of the Learned Society of Gottingen of 1825, Gold medalist of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1842, Corresponding member of the Vienna Academy of Sciences since 1848, the Berlin of 1850 and St. Petersburg from the 1851st Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic was a linguist, writer, translator, critic and polemicist, historian, geographer and father of Serbian ethnographic science. The creator of the most perfect alphabet in the world, to which admired Bernard Show and many others. Surpassed the past and opened the future horizons. He traveled much, knew the culture of many nations and to the world he opened the beauty and richness of the oral folk creativity. UNESCO has declared the year 1987 (two-hundredth anniversary of the birth VSK) the Year of Vuk Stefanovic-Karadzic.
(Serbian and Montenegrin poet)
Njegos was born in Njegusi, Montenegro, as a prince by inheritance. Bishop Petar I Petrovic took it with him in 1825 to prepare him for his successor, and already at age 17 he became the reign of Montenegro. He immediately established the Council, founded the people's court, raised taxes and started training "Perjanik" (the king's guards) and the police. Along the laid foundations of modern education. Petar Petrovic - Njegos has been remembered as a great poet and Bishop of Montenegro Rade. For the life of his grand work he built his own pedestal of immortals. In Serbian literature goes for the greatest poets and in Montenegro for its greatest son. His works were written in verse of impassable literary value. The most important works are: Mountain Wreath, Luca Microcosm, Dedication Powder to the Father of Serbia, Svobodijada (translation of the first singing the Iliad), Hermit of Cetinje, Song and others. For all Montenegrins Njegos was and still is a myth, and almost every Montenegrin knows Mountain Wreath by heart.
JOSIF PANCIC (1814-1888) (Serbian botanist) Josip Pancic born in Ugrine, and educated in Gospic Rijeka, Zagreb and Budapest. He received his Ph.D. in Budapest in 1842, a dissertation written in Latin. In Serbia since 1846 andfirst worked in Negotin, then in Jagodina and Kragujevac. Arriving in Serbia he became orthodox fate and changed name to Josif, to avoid the Austro-Hungarian prosecution. His wife was Milka and had seven children. Pancic was valid for the distinguished scientist and educator, and IN Belgrade he was appointed professor of the 1853rd. In 1878 the president of the Serbian Scientific Society, and the establishment of the Serbian Royal Academy, the same year was elected its first president. He has published scientific papers about animals and plants, as well as the meteorite in Soko Banja. Pancic’s greatest love was botany, where he worked for 42 years. In 1871 he published a paper on the flora of Serbia, and 1874, and in 1884 worked on the flora of Bulgaria and 1883 paper on the flora of Belgrade's surroundings.. Many of Pancic's papers were published abroad, by then he himself translated into Serbian. He corresponded with many prominent botanists of his time (Roberto de Viziani). During 42 years of work it has revealed 121 species, 50 varieties and 7forms, for the new science at that time. Of these 64 species of plants are accepted throughout the world, to this day.
When Pancic arrived in Bajina Basta 1855, he heard from farmers that in their area grew spruce, which does not grow anywhere else in the world. In 1865 he found and recognized two types of spruce, which really does not grow anywhere in the world except for Tara, in the area around Bajina Basta. Those spruces are, indeed, different from all the conifers. Pancic published his work in German in 1876 on Pinus Spruce. The same spruce was later classified in the Genus Purkyne of Genus of Pice (Spruce). This spruce, named Pancic’s Spruce, grows only in the middle course of the Drina River, and has close relatives in Asia. It is characterized by high trees, narrow and few branches, and usually grows on the ends of forest areas. Has recently been discovered around the river Milesevka.
MIHAJLO PUPIN (1858-1935)
(Serb, an American giant of telephony)
Born in Idvor, Banat, he gave himself the nickname Idvorski, by his birthplace, was a glory of world giants in the fields of telephony and secondary X-ray. For life is confronted with Tesla, about which details writes Mark Seifer (see http: / / www.srpska dijaspora.info, S. Jelaca article: IMP).As a boy, during the summer months, tending the cattle on pastures and the boys calling drilled through the earth, which will later in life become the basis for the domain's discoveries telephony over long distances. Taught high school in Pancevo, and started in Prague. Soon he left it and at 16 traveled by boat to America 1874th. In New York City has experienced all the difficulties of immigrant life, and finally, thanks to the extraordinary persistence, he studied at Columbia University. He finished his studies as the best student in the class of 1883, as a scholar of the same university he continued his postgraduate studies at Cambridge, in the Cavendish laboratory and a Ph.D. in Berlin with Professor Helmholtz 1889th. Returning to Colombia Pupin became her professor, where he worked for 40 years. He distinguished himself as an outstanding mathematician and an excellent teacher. In addition to subjects of mathematical physics He has lectured in the industry, how he has been providing funds for his scientific work and was informing the business leaders of America. By lecturing before the Electrical Engineers Association of America in Boston in 1890 for the first time he met with Tesla. Then Pupin popularized the application of alternating current, while Edison's admirers even made electric chairs to make it afraid of the world from the application of alternating current. In those years, Tesla was on the rise: shed light on a world exposition in Chicago in 1893, built a hydroelectric plant at Niagara Falls in 1895, where using his Tesla's polyphase transformers and power have become the basis for the electrification of America. Edison even intimidates Pupin that he will lose their position at the university.By his research work Pupin is affirmed in electrical and telephone, he patented 24 inventions, many of whom have found wide application in the world, and many are also still applied. The most important patents were: his electric filter (No. 519346) in 1893 and resonators (br.640515 and 640,516) in 1895, and no. 707007 and 707008 and others. When Roentgen published his discovery of x-ray in December 1895 Pupin was rushed to investigate the same and in February 1896 the patented invention of secondary x-rays, which soon encountered a wide application in medicine, shortening the recording time from one hour to a few seconds. Pupin also wrote his autobiographical work From Immigrant to Inventor, issued in 1923 on several hundred thousand copies and adopted as a textbook for the popularization of science. For the same he even won a Pulitzer Prize. On the business plan Pupin was very successful, he sold his patent to powerful firms and acquired sufficient resources to deal with experimental work smoothly. Thus, he sold to Bell the same in the United States and Siemens in Germany, and these have laid the first telephone line Berlin - Potsdam (32.5 miles), and Berlin - Magdeburg (150 km) and New York - San Francisco (5000 miles) where the first met Alexander Graham Bell. He participated in setting up the first transatlantic submarine cable linking the United States and Europe. During World War I perfected the connection to communicate with aircraft during flight. Pupin, from Columbia University, was a friend with U.S. President Wilson's, and how engaged and the peace plan in 1919 took part in a peace conference in Paris, there Yugoslav government Stojan Protic. At this conference, Romanians have sought the entire Banat, claiming to belong to them. Then President Wilson asked: "Do you know you Professor Pupin, I know that he is from the Banat, and I know him as a Serbian patriot." The status of Banat was solved. For his life achievements Pupin has been awarded Franklin’s gold medal in 1902, Herbert Gold Medal in 1916, the Edison Medal in 1920, Washington's medal in 1928 and gold medal of Fric 1931st. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) has established in 1913 Pupin Foundation for the education of poor children in Serbia. It was estimated that Pupin is one of the greatest spirits of the nineteenth and twentieth century’s.He died in New York on 12 March 1935, the 61-year anniversary of when he went by boat from Hamburg to America.
MIHAJLO PETROVIC- ALAS (1868-1943) (Serbian mathematician)
Mihajlo Petrovic Alas doctorate in Paris in the 1894th He has published 270 professional papers and 12 monographs, and introduced a new mathematical discipline: Mathematics spectra and mathematical phenomenology. In the world known are science, special mathematical functions that carry Petrović’s name. In Paris, he has been lecturing one semester in the area of the original mathematical theory of spectra, from which the book Travaux Scientifiques was nominated to the French Academy of Sciences and scientific societies. In Belgrade he has created a very respectable mathematical school and most contributed to mathematics in Serbia receiving a prominent place in science. Mika Alas occupied the top Serbian science and in world science was noted in the areas of differential equations, theory of functions and algebra computerization. His works are contained in 15 volumes, issued during the period between 1894 and 1943.
(Serbian physicist) Mileva Maric was born in Titel, Vojvodina, and her husband, Albert Einstein, in Ulm, Germany. They met up at the Zurich Polytechnic together, studied and came to the discovery of Theory of Relativity and other major scientific discoveries of the twentieth century. Mileva first came up with the idea of the possibility of converting matter into energy, after the discovery of X-ray, Pupin et Marie Curie. All her ideas very successfully she had defined mathematically. First in the world introduced the concept of four-dimensional geometry (space - time), and then gave a definition of the Photoelectric effect. Mileva and Albert have worked together on the electromagnetic theory of light, since 1897, and the Theory of Relativity from 1901. Presumably Mileva's dissertation was the Theory of Relativity (and later disappeared from the same university, probably to celebrate Alberta). Albert Einstein in 1905 published three papers in theoretical physics, including relativity, but only under his own name. Mass-energy law, as, the famous formula E = mc² (energy is equal to the product of mass and the square of the speed of light), which will become the basis for the development of atomic energy. They also confirmed the Quantum Theory of Light, resulting in the creation of photoelectric cells (as a result of the transmission of video, television). By this is born a new branch in physics, Quantum Physics. All these works mathematically defined Mileva, a skilled mathematician, and the same was signed only by Albert. Albert was proclaimed as the greatest scientist of the twentieth century, and Mileva remained anonymous. Albert was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1921, for which there is information that all the money obtained from the prize Albert gave Mileva, while there are such allegations saying that he had bought her with that money to be silenced. While Marie Curie worked with her husband Pierre, and with him shared the Nobel Prize, Mileva had not received from her husband any recognition, not even for children for whom only she sacrificed. From 1933 to 1955 Albert was living and working at Princeton University in the United States, but for all that time he hasn’t given any contribution to science. This is the proof that all that was accomplished, he has achieved only together with Mileva.
IVO ANDRIC (1892-1975)
( Yugoslav writer) Andric was born in Travnik, taught high school in Sarajevo and as a young man belonged to the revolutionary movement Mlada Bosna. He was a great supporter of the Yugoslav nation. He studied in Zagreb, Vienna and Krakow. After the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914 returned to the country, but Austrian authorities persecute and incarcerate him in Sibenik and Maribor. He was of sick nature. Since 1919 lives in Belgrade, and from 1920 began to work in the diplomatic service. The first appointment was in the Vatican, and since 1921 at the Consulate in Bucharest. Since 1922 in Trieste, since 1923 the Vice Consul in Graz, where he obtained his doctorate 1924. During these years he wrote a lot and his works published. Returning to Belgrade in 1926, he became a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), and shortly afterwards he was appointed vice consul in Marseilles, and three years later moved to the Consulate General in Paris. From 1928 the Vice Consul in Madrid, and soon after in Brussels. In 1930 working in Geneva as the permanent secretary of the delegation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to the League of Nations. From 1933 was back in Belgrade, where he worked as a counselor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Chief of the same ministry since 1935. From 1937 the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, which year he was given the Order of Poland and France (Legion of Honor). From 1 April 1939 he was appointed plenipotentiary minister of foreign affairs in Berlin, where his credentials were submitted to Hitler, who was then in power in Germany. When the bombing of Belgrade, 6 April 1941, Andric on the 7th of April returned to Belgrade. Safe haven in Switzerland was offered to him, but he decided to go to the occupied Belgrade. Soon he retires and lives as a subtenant.
He wrote during the war but did not want to publish anything until his people had nothing to eat. It is precisely these years he wrote Travnik Chronicle, and the Bridge on the Drina River, and both books were first published after the liberation. In addition to these important works are Andric: Damn Yard; Ex Ponto; Riots; The Bridge on the Zepa; Legends of Anika; Thirst; Jelena woman who does not exist; Talk with Goya; Njegos as tragic hero of Kosovo's thoughts and many others. After the liberation of Andric was president of the Association of Writers of Yugoslavia, and since 1946 a full member of SANU. He traveled a lot in life and spoke many languages. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1961 and is considered the largest Yugoslav creator, writer of spiritual power. Note: Croats claim Andric as theirs too, since he became a Nobel laureate.
JOVAN KARAMATA (1902-1967) (Serbian mathematician) Jovan Karamata was a professor at the University of Belgrade, Göttingen and Geneva. Member of several Academy of Sciences and scientific societies. Karamata is among the greatest names of Serbian science, the world-famous mathematician, and from his school came out a dozen highly renowned mathematicians who have been asserted in the country and the world. He introduced the world's first Theory of Sets, during the 30s of the twentieth century. From this domain is known his book "An elementary theory of the plurals".
PAVLE SAVIC (1908-1994)
(Serbian physicist) Pavle Savic was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, and studied physical chemistry at the University of Belgrade. From 1935 to 1939 he worked at the French Institute for radium (Institut du Radium), which was then considered the best in the world in the field of nuclear physics. He has worked with Irena Curie, daughter of Maria and Pierre Curie, in the areas of nuclear fission (splitting the atom) and the results achieved for the little they got out of the Nobel Prize. Since 1945 Pavle Savic was a professor at Belgrade University, and since 1946 member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, (SANU) and its president from 1971 to 1981. The founder of the Institute for Nuclear Research VINCA and its director from 1960 to 1966. Given the position he left when disagreed with Yugoslav politicians and returned to the university. In science, he remained active until his death in the 1994th.
BOGDAN MAGLIC (1928 -2017)
(American nuclear physicist)
Bogdan Maglic is a Serb, born in Sombor, and working in America and has never renounced the Yugoslav citizenship. He was engaged in research of controlled fusion, which is interpreted as a harnessed the energy of the hydrogen bomb without explosion. H-bomb to start the reaction of an atomic bomb, how the reaction temperature achieves the order of about 100 million degrees °C, which initiates the explosion of the hydrogen bomb. Hydrogen bomb by the destructive power is stronger than the atomic bomb about a thousand times. Controlled fusion reaction is the process of starting the hydrogen bomb without nuclear explosions and is intended exclusively for peaceful purposes, for electricity generation. That, in short, it is the invention of our scientists Dr. Bogdan Maglic Fuel for the hydrogen reaction, controlled fusion, is the heavy water, which is derived from the sea. Bogdan Maglic went to America in 1956, as a fellowship holder of UNESCO, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). At the University of California he worked from 1961, where he discovered the particle Omega Mesons. He patented Aneuron Nuclear Energy (fusion process without radioactivity), and the latest Supersensor that identifies chemical composition of matter, and that provides large usage in the fight against terrorism. Bogdan Maglic is the holder of gold medals of the United States Congress, and he is a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) in Belgrade.
DRAGAN SKORIC (1937 - ) (Serbian geneticist) Professor Dr. Dragan Skoric was born in Velasic, Lika. Faculty of Agriculture, completed in 1963 in Novi Sad, after which he was employed at the Institute for Agricultural Research, Department for the improvement of sunflowers. Master's degree on the genetics of plant breeding in 1968, and PhD in 1975 at Novi Sad University. Assistant Professor since 1978, associate Professor since 1983, and Full Professor since 1990. In 2008 obtained the title of Emeritus Professor, University of Novi Sad. He specialized in oil crops for Genetics at Giessen University (Germany) and specialized improvements several times to the USA, France, Spain, the Soviet Union and Italy.
Trustee of the Institute of Oil crops of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops from 1989 to 2006. He is a member of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development of Serbia and was the Director of the National Program in Biotechnology and Agribusiness 2003-2006. Corresponding member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) from 2003, a regular member of the SANU in 2009. In the SANU he is the Chairman of the flora and vegetation of Serbia. Head of many scientific projects. Dr Skoric is very active in the international arena. From 1972 to 1991 he managed the three projects together with scientists of the United States, directed the project "Improvement of oil crops in Iran" from 1970 to 1978, where he spent two years working on them personally. Expert of the United Nations (FAO, Rome). In 1982 he worked in Sudan, and in India in 2002, where he lectured at universities and institutes. He has also lectured in the United States, Argentina, Spain, France, Italy, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, China, South Africa, Egypt and Greece. He held his scientific papers and statements in over 50 international conferences. The main coordinator of the FAO project "European Research Network on Sunflower," from 1989, Member of the International Association for sunflower EUCARPIA (ISA, Paris) over 12 years, and he is the representative of Serbia in the European Association for Plant Breeding. Since 1989, the main editor of international journals and member of the editorial HELIA, and more domestic and foreign magazines. He has supervised several master's theses and doctoral dissertations in the country and abroad. Dr Skoric has published over 350 scientific papers and four books (in Serbian, English and Russian). He created the 269 hybrids, of which 54 were recognized in Serbia, and abroad, all other 215. Skoric’s hybrids were planted at 10% of all the world's area under sunflower (over 2 million hectares) in 2006. His varieties are grown successfully in 21 countries of the world. Dragan is still active through the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), therefore he had achieved more world well recognized works. The following major awards are: - Award of the International Association for sunflower (ISA, Paris) 1988; - Award for the successful implementation of the joint project with the U.S. in 1987;- Diploma for the promotion of sunflower genetics at the international level in 2000; - Recognition of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture 1982; - May the First Award for work of 1980;- October Award of the city of Novi Sad, 1995; - National Service Medal with silver star-Presidency of the SFRY in 1998; - Friendship Award government of Jilin Province, P.R. of China in 2005, and - Friendship Award of government of P.R. of China 2006th