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Official German science claims that Mesopotamia is not the cradle of human civilization, but that it is the Danube. In our educational system, Western falsifiers of the Germanic-Nordic school are allowed to lie to us and rewrite our history. And it is known that the planned destruction of the history of a nation eliminates that nation. During the First and Second World Wars, 40 wagons of archival material were taken from Serbia, and 350,000 books were destroyed by the bombing of the national library in Belgrade. In the 19th century, Austria-Hungary and Germany had pretensions to conquer the east, and on that path they were hindered by Serbia, so they proceeded to destroy Serbian history with the aim of destroying the Serbian people. Thus, they pushed Serbia a history according to which Serbs immigrated to the Balkans in the seventh century, and before that it was as if they did not even exist. The saddest thing is that the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts does not react to it. And it has been scientifically proven that Serbs have lived in the Danube region since their inception, and from there they even moved to other parts of Europe and the world. It has been proven that the Danube, not Mesopotamia, is the center of European and world civilization. Archaeologists found tablets with written traces in the Danube region from 5500 BC. which are older than the Dispilo tablets from Greece, which are 5260 years old. According to the German linguist Herald Harman, the tablets from the Danube region contain wedding symbols as a form of language. And today it is accepted that the signs from Vinča represent a letter, and the Serbian alphabet has as many as 20 identical symbols as the wedding letter. There are 12 letters in the ancient Greek alphabet taken from the wedding letter. An ocilo (four Cyrillic letters s), which is the sign of the Serbs from Danube Serbia, was also found in the wedding letter.It has also been established that the Danubian civilization had developed metal smelting technology, art and trade, long before Mesopotamia, Greece and even Rome. While Europe was frozen in the Stone Age, the peoples around the Danube smelted copper, designed pottery, made furniture and two-story houses. They were the first to invent the wheel. Dr. Ben Roberts, from the university in England, said that the cradle of metallurgy appeared 7,000 years ago on the soil of today's Serbia. He states that the first occurrence of corrosion of metal was registered in the territory of Serbia, in the localities of Pločnik and Belvode. A copper ring from the beginning of the fifth millennium BC was found at the Pločnik site. Recently, the German University of Tübingen and the Geological Institute in Heidelberg confirmed that the archaeological site of Belica near Jagodina is the oldest sanctuary in Europe. Numerous human-like stone figurines were found there and 8000 year old clays. These figurines represent all stages of the development of a human fetus, from conception to birth. Such objects have not yet been recorded anywhere in the artistic creation of mankind. This proves the spiritual creativity of the proto-sage community of Lepenski Vir. German experts called the site near Jagodina an archaeological sensation of the 21st century. Archaeological discoveries there have shown that Serbia was once the home of ancient civilizations, the birthplace of 17 Roman emperors, and for a short time it was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. And today, in Serbian schools, children are taught an unbelievable foreign version of "immigration to the Balkans" (migration of peoples) out of nowhere. The map of Dušan's empire, according to the great German historian Gustav Droysen, is much more accurate than the one served in schools. According to that map, Bosnia is part of Serbia, and Bulgaria is a vassal. The seal of the Serbian prince Stojimir from the ninth century is proof of the existence of the Serbian state, moved back three centuries. This seal was bought by the Ministry of Culture from private property in Munich on July 11, 2014 for 20,000 euros, which no one even knew existed. Stojimir's name on the seal is written in Old Slavic Cyrillic. In the archives of Constantinople, the French professor Jean-Claude Chenet found a lead seal of Constantine Bodin from 1081, the son of the first Serbian saint, John Vladimir, king of Duklja. Bodin's title was "the protosevest of Duklje and Serbia". The same title was later held by Stefan the Firstborn, followed by kings Vladislav, Uroš, Dragutin and Milutin. The oldest Serbian churches count the Serbs among the most civilized nations in the world. Five monasteries on the slopes of Fruška Gora and Kosovo have been verified as world cultural heritage, protected by UNESCO. Studenica Monastery (1190) was built three centuries before the discovery of America. The first satellite transmission of a video signal in 1962 between Europe and North America contained the image of the White Angel from Mileseva, as a greeting from Europe to America. And a little later the same signal was sent into space towards possible aliens. When the Serbian hand wrote the "Gospel of Miroslav", all European rulers at that time signed with the thumb of their right hand. And too little is known that the first street lighting was realized in Gračanica. The prayer book "Nauk Kartianski '' by Friar Matija Divković from 1698 was written in Cyrillic in Venice, and the first Serbian primer by Inok Sava was printed in Venice in 1597. Archaeological discoveries at the site of Pavlovac, near Vranje, confirmed the findings of the Starčevo culture, according to which it was confirmed that people lived there before 6 millennia BC. Bones were also found on which the DNA of those peoples was found to be 80% identical to the current Serbs and 10% to the Greeks. The same was confirmed in Lepenski vir from 6.5 millennium BC. An 8,000-year-old calendar carved into a boar's tusk was found at the Medvednik site near Smederevska Palanka. 28 days and four monthly months are engraved on that calendar. Serbs from the Danube region moved to various parts of Europe and the world, where they were massively assimilated among the local peoples. The Poplav Slavs once inhabited the entire area of Eastern Germany, and only the Lusatian Serbs managed to preserve their language, customs, folklore, literature and identity, in a word, the identity of the proud Slavic people. Lusatian Serbs say they are from Balkan Serbia, which is confirmed by German historians Schottgen and Kreyszig, taking into account the same names of people, rivers, lakes, mountains and settlements in the provinces of Macholenburg, Saxony, Brandenburg, Pomerania and others parts of East Germany. There are the names of the settlements: Kamenica, Bela Gora, Bela Voda, Ratibor, Dubravka, Rogozno, Strela, Drenovo, Trnovo and the like. There are still settlements in Ukraine today: Nova Serbia, Slavo-Serbia, Slavjanoserbsk. The Poles, in recent research, have established the presence of Slavs (Serbs) on the Baltic coast from 2000 years before Christ. These were the Proto-Slavs (Proserbs), whose descendants are today's Lusatian Serbs. And the oldest people in Poland, the Kashubia, speak the Serbian language. Most Kashubians live in Gdańsk and understand Serbian very well. The Kashubs in the south of the Baltic have the village Srpsko jezero. During the time of King Milutin (1282-1321) at the Serbian court, people ate with golden forks and spoons, and in Europe the fork was introduced for the first time in the 16th century at the time of Henrik III and it was experienced as an exceptional event.Ottawa, March 2013

Lepenski Vir