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North Korea occupies the northern part of the Korean peninsula, measuring 120,540 km2. The official name of the country is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). It lies between the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea. It borders China and Russia to the north and South Korea to the south. The capital is Pyongyang, which is also the largest industrial city. It has about 3,160,000 inhabitants. The border with South Korea is 240 km long, of which only 4 km is now demilitarized, established in 1953, after the end of the Korean War (1950-1953). Most of the territory is mountainous or hilly, with an average altitude of about 1000 m. The highest mountain is Peakta (2750 m), and the longest river Yalu is 800 km. The climate in North Korea is cold, continental, winters last from December to March, the temperature in January is -70C in the south, and -230C in the north. Summers are from June to September, warm, temperatures in July around 200C, in Pyongyang up to 300C. North Korea now has nine provinces, up from three when it was founded. The Choice Dynasty (1392-1910) founded the state of Korea. Most of the trees are coniferous, similar to Siberian trees, and most of the arable land is cultivated. Among the forest animals, there are mostly deer, mountain antelopes, wild goats, tigers and leopards, and in the plains there are wild pigeons and migratory birds.The population of North Korea (2023 census) was just over 26 million, with an increase of 1% per year. Ethnically 95% are Korean, with smaller numbers of Japanese and Chinese. All speak the Korean language, which is close to the Japanese or Altaic group. The script is Choson muriteha, it has 14 vowels. The population of North Korea is among the poorest in the world. The population is 217/km2.The religion is fundamentally Confucian, with less Buddhism. Roman Catholicism and Protestantism arrived in Korea in the 18th and 19th centuries. Most of the population lives in urban areas, and the people of Changing and Yonggang provinces grow rice and engage in fishing. The first traces of human habitation on the soil of today's North Korea date back to 4270 BC. According to legend, the first king was Tang-gun, who founded the state of the Korean kingdom. Until 1845, Korea was a Japanese colony, and after the Second World War, Korea was divided into two states, on the 38th parallel, into North Korea, under the control of the Soviet Alliance, and South Korea, under the control of the United States of America. North Korea was proclaimed as the People's Democratic Republic on September 9, 1948.There were growing tensions between the two Koreas. North Korean troops crossed the 38th parallel in an effort to unite the two Koreas, leading to the Korean War (1950-1953). It is claimed that about 2.5 million Koreans, a smaller number of Chinese, about 33,000 Americans, several thousand soldiers under the United Nations flag and over 600,000 civilians died in that war. At the end of the war, a demilitarized zone was established along the entire border, 240 km.The first president of North Korea, in the title of supreme commander, was Kim Il Sung, until his death in March 1994. He was succeeded by his son Kim Jong Il, and he was succeeded by his son, the grandson of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Un. Western media call the transfer of power from father to son "Communist Dynasty". Officially, North Korea has three political parties: the Chondrist Party (President Yoo-Min Yong), the Korean Social Democratic Party (President Kim Pyong Sik) and the ruling Workers' Party of Korea (General Secretary Kim Jong Un). The Supreme National Assembly has 687 seats, and deputies are elected for a term of five years each. The assembly also elects the president of the state, the judges of the supreme court, the prime minister and the National Defense Committee. The first constitution was adopted in 1948, and it was revised in 1972, then in 1992, and the last correction of the constitution was made in 1998. North Korea has diplomatic missions in many countries, with the exception of the Republic of Korea (South Korea). The United States and Japan are represented by the Kingdom of Sweden. The life expectancy for men in North Korea is 68 years, and for women 74 years. The average length of life is 71.4 years. The official currency is the von, consisting of 100 chon, and there are 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 von notes and mints of 1, 5, 10, and 50 chon and 1 von. The most popular sports are football (soccer) and swimming. The United States and South Korea regularly accuse North Korea of constantly preparing for war. They claim that North Korea has announced that it will exercise the right to a pre-emptive nuclear attack. Recently, Washington accuses Pyongyang of supplying weapons to Moscow, and Pyongyang retaliates by accusing the United States of supplying weapons to Ukraine. These are their mutual charms. South Korea follows the positions of the United States in its relations with North Korea. Western European countries also support the United States of America, while Russia maintains good relations with North Korea. Analysts say North Korea is handling Western accusations well.North Korea is certainly the most closed country in the world, and one of the most mysterious countries. North Korea is considered the fifth military power among countries in the world. Its military power consists of the Army, Navy, Strategic Missile Forces and Special Operations Forces. Their army numbers 850,000 to 1,200,000, with a capability of 4,000,000 men and a mobilization resource of up to 6.2 million.All these data, of course, have not been verified and it is a matter of how one accepts them. It is said that they are all on constant alert, and that in 2023 they rejected the non-aggression pact and canceled the treaty on the denuclearization of the peninsula, due to the latent deterioration of relations with South Korea and the United States. North Korea has reportedly decided to protect its territory with its own nuclear potential. The impression, however, is that North Korea has many weapons only for its own defense. They feel constant pressure from the West and prepare for defense at any time and under any conditions. Western countries consider North Korea is a communist country, although they claim that they are not, they are a socialist country, which the West does not want to understand the difference.The facts are that the population of North Korea lives quite poor, they, on average, find it difficult to get simple household necessities and do not know enough about the life of the world in other countries, and the rest of the world does not know much about them either.Travel to North Korea is possible for all citizens, with the exception of South Korea, but under certain conditions. All trips require visas and it is best to travel in groups through travel agencies. Dennis Rodman, former American basketball player, is a welcome guest of Kim Jong Un. Health care for all citizens of North Korea is considered good.In North Korea, instead of the New Year, the birthday of the first president, Kim Il Sung, is celebrated on April 15.Officially, Canada and North Korea have embassies, the Canadian one based in Seoul, South Korea, and the North Korean one in the United Nations. Canada's diplomatic relations with North Korea are solely under the supervision of the United States. The author would prefer the relations between the two countries to be better, for greater exchange of goods and easier travel. I think it would be better for the citizens of both countries. Mutual exchange of goods between the two countries is relatively small.Sweden represents the protection of Canadian interests in North Korea.
Pyongyang, North Korea (View of the wider area of the city)